Quand l’Évangile visite la psyché
Recension de l’Anthropologie théologique de Thomas Pröpper

gb Ape Genius, a fascinating documentary about the similarities and differences between human and ape intelligence. Key words : learning by watching, cooperation, impulsivity, mind-reading (theory of mind), pointing, shared commitment to a shared goal.

(Pour regarder la vidéo en plein écran, cliquer sur l’icone en bas à droite)


An extract from the conclusive interview :

MICHAEL TOMASELLO: What you'll see with the human mother and baby is that the mother is constantly trying to show the baby what to do, and the baby is trying to tune into what the mother wants. And so you have a full triangle of mother and baby and the thing in the environment that they are trying to work on.

REBECCA SAXE: It's a special cognitive achievement. For some reason kids do this naturally, almost immediately. And curiously, apes can't get into that. Read more »

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